Record Record the Screen Choose to record applications, your computer’s desktop, Web sites, and much more. Camtasia Recorder captures cursor movements, menu selections, pop-up and layered windows, typing, and any other action seen on the screen. In addition to screen recording, Camtasia recorder allows you to draw on the screen and add effects while recording. See Record the Screen. Record PowerPoint Share more than just the slides from a presentation, use the Camtasia Studio PowerPoint Add-in to record and share PowerPoint presentations for attendees to watch again or for people unable to attend the presentation. With the PowerPoint Add-in, you can: Quickly record and produce a PowerPoint presentation as an interactive video to appear on a Web page. Include audio or camera video from the speaker to include as a Picture-in-Picture recording. Save the PowerPoint recording as a Camtasia Studio project file (.camproj) to edit or produce into a variety of file formats. Automatically add markers to the recording file for each slide in the presentation. If you include a table of contents in the final video, the markers appear as table of contents entries. See Record a PowerPoint Presentation.